For that outlay, the Australian-led Pacton gets two exploration licences and two applications covering south of De Grey Mining's Indee project.
Nuggets have reportedly been found on the ground.
Paction is currently led by Australian resource sector corporate player Alex Pismiris, who was appointed interim president and CEO back in November.
Arrow was previously known as Segue Resources.
The evolving Pilbara conglomerate gold story has some traction in Canadian market circles given it was kicked-off by TSX-V listed Novo Resources.
Novo's backers have included Sprott, which was appointed as an advisor to Pacton last month.
For its part Arrow's focus is ground west of Menzies in WA's Eastern Goldfields, with an aircore drilling program beginning early this week.
In February Arrow also farmed out its ground in WA's Fraser Range.
Arrow is capitalised at A$7.6 million.
Pacton is capitalised at about C$15 million.