Incorporating video into your Health and Safety training can significantly increase an employee's ability to remember concepts covered during the session.
Studies have shown that employees forget 65% of material covered in training sessions just one week after completing the course. However, if video or visual content is used, people's ability to remember concepts and details, even when tested after a period of time, improves an astounding 83%.
IRIS's Health and Safety surveillance system records footage from strategically mounted cameras on a work site. It enables real site-based footage to be used during Inductions or Health and Safety training.
The system provides live or recorded footage so employees can see exactly how they should complete their task to ensure they avoid injury. It highlights behavioral factors or potentially dangerous situations that can lead to injury - before they even start working on site.
Footage from the system can also be accessed via the on-line portal or app from anywhere around the world - managers can monitor employee's activity to ensure correct operation of machinery according to Health and Safety procedures, regardless of their location. Unsafe behavioural factors can be identified and addressed immediately, keeping employees safe.